

Stem Cell Therapy’s Future

Stem cells from adults revolutionized leukemia treatment through bone marrow transplants over 30 years ago. This success spurred scientists to explore broader applications of stem cell therapy for various diseases and injuries. While initial expectations may have been lofty, the field continues to evolve with promising advancements on the horizon. What Are The Different Types

Hair loss is a widespread issue, affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. Many individuals turn to hair restoration therapies and other procedures to regain their lost hair. While some treatments are effective, they often merely relocate existing hair. Stem cell therapy, however, aims to stimulate new hair growth by regenerating hair follicles. The Promise

PRP and Stem Cell Therapy still have a ways to go before becoming mainstream medical practices. However, we at Adimarket are proud to be part of this growing trend. We fervently believe in the future of stem cell therapies because we trust that they offer an alternative to otherwise invasive and unnecessary medical procedures. If

As more and more doctors train to be proficient in stem cell therapy, many seek to increase their revenues and expand their practices. At Adimarket, we aim to fulfill the needs of doctors and help their patients in the most efficient way possible. However, we have other goals as well. We hope that one day,

British researchers at the University of Birmingham conducted a study that could alter the field of regenerative medicine. They developed a way to regenerate human bone and tissue using nano-scale structures, helping the body more efficiently replace lost tissue. Although it will be many years before the technology is approved for public use, the implications

International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Sciences (IFATS) 45 Lyme Road – Suite 304Hanover, NH 03755 USATel: 1-603-643-2325Fax: 1-603-643-1444 September 26, 2016 Division of Dockets Management (HFA–305)Food and Drug Administration5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061Rockville, MD 20852 Re: FDA-2014-D-1856 – Comments to 2014-2015 Draft Guidance Docket FDA-2014-D-1584: “Same Surgical Procedure Exception under 21 CFR 1271.15(b): Questions

human stem cells

Scientists from the U.K. and Sweden have discovered a new method of creating human stem cells that could solve the problem of meeting large-scale production needs, allowing researchers to fully realize the potential of stem cells for understanding and treating disease. Understanding Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Human pluripotent stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have

liver stem cell research

Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a new methodology for purifying liver cells generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that could facilitate progress toward an important clinical goal: treating patients with disease-causing liver mutations by transplanting unmutated liver cells derived from their own stem

stem cell transplant

Introduction to the Groundbreaking Stem Cell Transplant Chuck Dandridge, a Mansfield, Texas resident, became the first adult in the U.S. to receive a newly modified stem cell transplant that uses genetically engineered blood cells from a family member. The milestone was announced by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center

insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells

Introduction to Insulin-Producing Pancreatic Beta Cells A new discovery by researchers on how to activate lab-grown beta cells to mature into functioning cells that produce and release insulin in response to glucose takes a significant step toward a cell therapy treatment for diabetes. Difficulties in manipulating beta cells derived from human stem cells to mature

skin stem cell research

Introduction to Skin Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has uncovered numerous groundbreaking discoveries over the years, many of which remain relatively unknown. This article highlights one such discovery related to skin stem cells and their critical role in regeneration and maintenance. Discovery of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b Proteins In a significant 2008 study published in


Introduction Stem cell research has advanced significantly, leading to a myriad of treatment options. However, the field faces challenges from unscrupulous providers and premature publicity. Professional Guidelines for Responsible Stem Cell Research International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) The ISSCR leads in setting high standards for translational stem cell research: International Society for Cellular