Rosario, Argentina – The International Society for Stem Cell Application (ISSCA), a collection of groups, individuals, and organizations that promote excellence in the field of regenerative medicine, this week announced they will be hosting a new South American medical congress: Jornadas Argentinas de Medicina Regenerativa.
To take place on November 24 and 25, 2017, the event will feature keynote speakers from ISSCA: Dr. Maritza Novas, Dr. Damian Siano, and Dr. Silvana Pastrana. The doctors will collectively speak on how regenerative medicine can help people suffering from a variety of conditions.
“We’ve barely even scratched the surface of potential for regenerative medicine, which is why it’s so important that we collectively gather and learn about what we’ve done thus far,” said Dr. Benito Novas, Founder and Owner of Global Stem Cells Group. “This is a South American congress that will witness some of the greatest regenerative doctors of our time giving once-in-a-lifetime addresses to those in attendance.”
Dr. Siano will look specifically at sports injuries, and draw on his experience as a sports medicine specialist aiding professional athletes in the world today. Dr. Pastrana, the Medical Director of the Buenos Aires Stem Cells Center, will speak about how stem cells can help to increase aesthetic conditions. Dr. Novas, an ISSCA Fellowship in Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering, will look at the fundamentals of stem cell biology and clinical applications. He will cover a broad range of topics concerning MSCs during their transition from bench-side to bedside.
“The goal is to share with South American doctors a new perspective to treat patients using their own body through regenerative medicine,” said Dr. Novas.
Immediately following the congress, Stem Cells Training Inc. will be hosting a “Curso de Células Madre,” a two-day, comprehensive course certified by ISSCA that will be held in Buenos Aires.
To sign up for the course, visit: https://cursocelulasmadre.com/entrenamiento-argentina-programa/.